I’ve been surrounded by second-generation Trans Ams my entire life. This Chesterfield Brown ‘78 Trans Am that my dad bought new is one that sticks with me most. Follow along as I share my memories of it from my youth.
Personal Story
My Dad’s First Trans Am
Pontiac, personal story, vintage photos8 CommentsDuring the 1970s my dad owned a number of Pontiacs and several Firebirds were among them. His first Trans Am was a Firethorn Red ‘76. While he planned to order a Formula that model year, he ultimately decided upon the Trans Am. He was so happy with it that it paved the way for others that followed. Here’s how it came to be.
How A "Piece" of Mac McKellar And Pontiac History Found Me...
Pontiac, personal story, SD-4555 CommentsI find Pontiac’s 1973 Press Preview among the Division’s most interesting events ever. It’s there that the Super Duty 455 was introduced the motoring world. A performance bombshell while others were shying away from it, every magazine writer in attendance that reported their take on the SD-455 in their respective publications. Mac McKellar—arguably Pontiac’s most famous engineer and a man I greatly admire—was at there that day and I was recently gifted his personal nametag.
Finding The Perfect (for me) 1974 Formula!
personal story, Pontiac15 CommentsI have been searching for a ‘74 Formula for quite sometime and after years of disappointment, I decided that when the right Formula came along, I’d know it. With help from Jeff Denison, Dan Jensen’s Formula 455 found me! Here’s how!
Memories Of My Dad's 1974 Formula 350...
Pontiac6 CommentsIn 1981 my dad purchased a ‘74 Formula 350 that he used as his daily driver. With fond childhood memories of that particular Firebird, it left me with a soft spot in my heart for 1974 Formulas. I share that story with you.
My Dad's New 1970 Firebird
personal story1 CommentDo you remember your first new vehicle purchase? My dad’s happen to be ‘70 Firebird. He shares his memories of that with me.
How did I get my start?
2 CommentsI’m often asked, how did I get my start writing articles. Well, like many of you, I am really just an average hobbyist...